We are your reliable non-emergency and emergency transportation provider, transporting you to your chosen destination in a safe, comfortable, and timely manner.
MedEx Medical Transport
Experienced People.
Exceptional Service.

MedEx Medical Transport
Experienced People.
Exceptional Service.
We are your reliable non-emergency and emergency transportation provider, transporting you to your chosen destination in a safe, comfortable, and timely manner.
About Us
MedEx Medical Transport is a Basic and Advanced Life Support Ambulance Service, specializing in non-emergency and emergency transports. We aim to provide the highest quality of medical transportation to the patients, facilities, and communities we serve.

Career Opportunities
In addition to our EMT staff, MedEx relies on many individuals, such as Wheelchair Van Drivers, Dispatchers, Compliance Officers, and Billing and Administration staff to ensure that we continue to provide exceptional service. If you feel that you possess the skills and attitude necessary to be part of our team, contact us today!